Monday, 18 May 2015

Slendertoxtea Teatox

For ages I have wanted to do a Detox. If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you will know I'm into keeping fit and have a healthy lifestyle so I was very excited when Slendertoxtea Teatox were gifting with The Bloggers Hub.

Slendertoxtea is a herbal, clean detox, organic tea. It works by breaking down the fatty deposits which adheres to the intestine enabling your metabolism. The benefits of a detox:
  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Metabolism
  • Beat the bloat
  • Weight loss
Daytox Ingredients:
Hawthorn Grain, Red Bean, Sterling Bean, Radish Leaf, Camellia Seed, Camellia Flower, Green Tea, Fennel Seeds.

Sleeptox Ingredients:
Valerian Root, Large Hawthorn, Red Bean, Sterling Bean, Green Tea, Radish Leaf, Camellia Seed, Fennel Seeds, Camellia Flower.

You drink the Daytox first thing when waking up with warm water and the Sleeptox every other night a few hours before going to sleep. The taste is very bland with no lingering flavour in the mouth, quite nice actually. Now I'm going to be very honest with my review as it hasn't been the most pleasant experience.

My Experience:
I only managed 4 days out of the 14 day detox. Why? Through out the whole 4 days I have extreme belly cramp and my bowel movements did not stop. Most days I would be on the toilet up to 4 times a day even waking up in the night needing to go. Now I know this is a detox and I felt great when I didn't have the cramps or sat on the toilet but when you become worried to move in case your bowl starts making even more movement it takes the pleasure out of it. I did loss 4 pound in the 4 days which is great but I also got sent home from work on day 4 because the toilet turned into my office for the day, not so great!

Would I advice the Teatox? Yes I would but I would do it when you have plenty of time off work like a bank holiday weekend.

Would I do it again? Yes because I would want to compete the full 14 days to see what results I could achieve but I hope my body would get used to the teatox quicker next time.

If you want to give your body a good cleanse and feel refreshed inside then I would say give Teadox a go just be cautious with it.
You can buy Slender Teadox HERE!

Let me know in the comment box below how you get on with the Teadox if you give it a go.

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